Setup Laravel with FrankenPHP
Posted by
kamlesh paulon
Dec 8, 2024| 2 min read
Last updated on : Dec 8, 2024
Table of Contents
- Step 1: Clone the Repository
- Step 2: Move the Cloned Repository :
- Step 3: Make Download Script Executable
- Step 4: Download Composer and FrankenPHP
- Step 5: Install Composer dependency
- Step 6: Run FrankenPHP Server
- Step 7: Open Localhost
- Step 8: gitignore
- Useful command
Step 1: Clone the Repository
- Navigate to the root of your Laravel project and clone the repository:
Step 2: Move the Cloned Repository :
- Move the cloned repository to root directory:
Step 3: Make Download Script Executable
- Make the download script executable:
Step 4: Download Composer and FrankenPHP
- Run the download script:
This script will download composer.phar for Composer and FrankenPHP for php-cli, php, and Caddy server.
Step 5: Install Composer dependency
- To install all the dependency, use the following command:
Step 6: Run FrankenPHP Server
- To run the FrankenPHP server, use the following command:
Step 7: Open Localhost
- After running the server, open your web browser and navigate to https://localhost
Step 8: gitignore
- Add this in .gitignore
Useful command
- composer cmd
- Laravel artisan cmd
NOTE: It installs PHP 8.3. If you need another version of PHP, you can compile and use FrankenPHP and change the Composer version.
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