Sometimes, you just need to save some data into Google Sheets quickly and efficiently without going through the hassle of setting up Google’s Sheets API and SDK. If you’re looking for a fast and straightforward way to handle data storage in your Next.js 14 application, then this tutorial is for you!
In this guide, we’ll explore how to integrate Google Sheets with a Next.js 14 application. This powerful combination allows you to use Google Sheets as a simple backend for storing and retrieving data, making your Next.js application more dynamic and interactive.
# Table of contents
# Setting Up Google Sheets and Apps Script
# Step 1: Create a Google Sheet
Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.
Rename the first sheet to TODO for easy reference.
Add headings: Task
# Step 2: Create an Apps Script
Click on Extensions in the menu and select Apps Script.
Replace the default code with the following script.
const sheets = SpreadsheetApp. openByUrl ( "<UniqueId>/edit?gid=0#gid=0" );
//if you have changed your sheet name then replace the below Sheet1 with your sheet name
const sheet = sheets. getSheetByName ( "Sheet1" );
function doGet ( e ) {
var data = sheet. getDataRange (). getValues ();
return ContentService
. createTextOutput ( JSON . stringify ({
status: true ,
message: "Fetched Successfully." ,
function doPost ( e ) {
const { task , is_done } = e.parameter;
sheet. appendRow ([task, is_done]);
return ContentService
. createTextOutput ( JSON . stringify ({
status: true ,
message: "Saved Successfully." ,
data: e.parameter
Replace <UniqueId>
with your sheet’s unique ID.
Save the script and deploy it as a web app.
Click on Deploy > New Deployment.
Select Web app and set the permissions to Anyone.
Copy the Web app URL for use in your Next.js project.
# Setting Up the Next.js 14 Application
# Step 1: Create a New Next.js Project
Open your terminal and create a new Next.js project:
npx create-next-app@14 google-sheets-nextjs
cd google-sheets-nextjs
# Step 2: Create API Functions
Create a file lib/api.ts
and add the following code to handle API requests:
lib/api.ts const API_URL = '<id>/exec' ;
export interface ITodo {
task : string ,
is_done : boolean
export const fetchData = async () : Promise < ITodo []> => {
try {
const response = await fetch ( API_URL );
if ( ! response.ok) {
throw new Error ( 'Network response was not ok' );
const data = await response. json ();
return as ITodo [];
} catch (error) {
console. error ( 'Error fetching data:' , error);
return [];
export const addData = async ( payload : FormData ) : Promise < ITodo []> => {
try {
const response = await fetch ( API_URL , {
method: "POST" ,
body: payload
if ( ! response.ok) {
throw new Error ( 'Network response was not ok' );
const data = await response. json ();
return as ITodo [];
} catch (error) {
console. error ( 'Error adding data:' , error);
return [];
Replace <id>
with your Web app ID from Apps Script.
# Building the Frontend
# Step 1: Create a Data Display Component
Create a file components/Todo.tsx
components/Todo.tsx import React from "react" ;
const Todo = ({ todos } : { todos : any [] }) => {
return (
< div >
{todos. length === 0 ? (
< p className = "text-gray-500" >No tasks found.</ p >
) : (
< ul className = "space-y-2" >
{todos. slice ( 1 ). map (([ task , is_done ], index ) => (
< li key = {index} className = "border border-gray-300 p-2 rounded" >
< span className = { `task ${ is_done ? "line-through" : ""}` }>
</ span >
</ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
export default Todo;
# Step 2: Fetch Data and Display in Home Page
Update the app/page.tsx
app/page.tsx "use client" ;
import { useEffect, useState } from "react" ;
import { addData, fetchData, ITodo } from "./api" ;
import Todo from "./components/Todo" ;
export default function Home () {
const [ todos , setTodos ] = useState < any []>([]);
const [ form , setForm ] = useState < ITodo >({
task: "" ,
is_done: false
const [ loading , setLoading ] = useState ( false );
useEffect (() => {
const getData = async () => {
setLoading ( true );
try {
const data = await fetchData ();
setTodos (data);
} catch (error) {
console. error ( "Error fetching data:" , error);
} finally {
setLoading ( false );
getData ();
}, []);
const handleSubmit = async ( e : any ) => {
e. preventDefault ();
setLoading ( true );
try {
const formData = new FormData ();
formData. append ( 'task' , form.task);
formData. append ( 'is_done' , form.is_done ? 'true' : 'false' );
await addData (formData);
const updatedData = await fetchData ();
setTodos (updatedData);
setForm ({ task: "" , is_done: false });
} catch (error) {
console. error ( "Error adding data:" , error);
} finally {
setLoading ( false );
return (
< div className = "container mx-auto p-4" >
< h1 className = "text-2xl font-bold mb-4" >Next.js 14 with Google Sheets</ h1 >
< Todo todos = {todos} />
{loading && (
< div className = "fixed inset-0 flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100 bg-opacity-50" >
< div className = "bg-white p-4 rounded shadow-md" >Loading...</ div >
</ div >
< form onSubmit = {handleSubmit} className = "mt-4" >
< div className = "flex flex-col space-y-2" >
< input
type = "text"
value = {form.task}
onChange = {( e ) => setForm ({ ... form, task: })}
placeholder = "Task"
className = "border border-gray-300 p-2 rounded w-full"
< label className = "flex items-center space-x-2" >
< input
type = "checkbox"
checked = {form.is_done}
onChange = {( e ) => setForm ({ ... form, is_done: })}
className = "form-checkbox"
< span className = "text-sm" >Completed</ span >
</ label >
< button
type = "submit"
className = "bg-blue-500 text-white p-2 rounded"
disabled = {loading}
Add Task
</ button >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
Update gloabl.css
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Now run npm run dev
and open http://localhost:3000/
It should look like something this.
It will add data realtime like below.
Your app should look like this
# Conclusion
By following these steps, you’ve successfully integrated Google Sheets with a Next.js 14 application using Google Apps Script.
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